SCCNYC Color Wheel Quilters
This informal club will allow Smithie Quilters and Crafters to have organized meetings.
Whether you are a beginner, intermediate, or credentialed Quilter, all are welcome.
Initially, meetings will be via Zoom either once or twice a month.
Meetings will likely take place on Saturday or Sunday afternoons.
If you have projects you’ve started and want to finish, please bring them to our meetings.
If you have finished a project and want to share it with us, please have it available.
If you need ideas for getting started, this is the group for you. All methods of quilting are welcome as are all methods of piecing and embellishment.
Let's spend a few hours sewing, quilting, tatting, crafting or creating.
Join the Group
Group Coordinator - Ann Lemon '72
If you would like to participate in these events sign up here. You do not need to be a Smith club member to join.